Tuesday 4 December 2007

WoW Gold Guide from Valkor

There's a new on the new guide on the gold making block.
It's name is,
Valkor's Gold Making Guide.

It does cost money so, with the possibility of saving you
some of your own money, I put down my $37 and bought a
discounted copy(usual price $49 so get it now if your going
to). So many of these gold making guides are scams or, at
best, bad copies of other better wow guides, or even worst
things you can find from getting into a few forums.

So is it worth the money?

Overall I was happy with the quality and depth of the
guide. This isn't one of those useless copies or scam
guides so easily available online. I was surprised to find
quite a few tricks and techniques in this wow guide that
were new. We all know about gold farmers but now you will
be able to see how they make so much gold so quickly and
easily. There's a great deal of things in this wow guide
that include a lot of reference material. Quit a few of the
techniques are for higher level but there is a great deal
for players under level 30 also.

Just like all gold making guides there's a good chance of
the information going out of date. This was last updated -
11/13/2008. The author also promises all updates in the future.

Overall, I'll give it a big thumbs up as being one of the
best gold guide available at the moment. You can read more,
or get your own copy, by Clicking Here.

A little taster of what you will be getting with this guide

A Complete 126 page Gold Making Guide
Learn step-by-step the same strategies, secrets and tips I
use to make HUNDREDS gold every day!

This guide is extremely-well organized with pictures,
screenshots and tons of detailed information.

Learn how to effectively buy all of your items cheap and
sell high just minutes later.

Over 1,700 items, quests, locations, and vendors are linked
to thottbot and allakhazam for quick and easy references to
get additional information on any topic.

Learn how to make TONS of gold with your profession whether
it's Gathering, Production, or Secondary. This guide covers
it ALL!.

I show you exactly where to go to find the hottest selling
items with the largest profit margin.

Contains dozens of Gold Making Strategies and Tips that you
can use at all times, no matter where you are!

Everything is revealed to you in this guide! No secrets or
strategies are held back.

Comprehensive list of items that each class/profession
needs to level up or complete a quest. These sell for TONS
of Gold!

See which items you can purchase for silver and turn around
to sell for gold all the time. This will amaze you at what
you can make from items you thought were vendor trash.

Contains the very BEST gold making spots you never knew
about. See which spots can make you over 200 Gold per

Works for Horde and Alliance. Also works for any Race and

Learn how to make money while not even playing.

Whether it's the Auction House or general trading, I will
show you how to dominate the market.

I'll show you the best spots to get the hardest cards to
obtain for the different decks. You'll be amazed at how
easy it is and how much money you will make.

I'll show you which items are always popular no matter how
flooded the market is...Don't get stuck with an expensive
item that no one wants.

Find out which items are most popular on your server.

Learn easy tips to get your auction items purchased in less
than 15 minutes.

I'll show you all of the mods that I use to make gold fast!

Hands down...the best places to farm for the hard to find
designs, recipes, formulas, and other rare items. You'll be
amazed at how easy it is to get the most popular items that
aren't sold by vendors.

Contains a Low Level Gold Making Strategies section
dedicated to players that are level 30 or less.

See which reputation items you can make a ton of cash on
and where to get them.

This guide is LOADED with Burning Crusade tips that will
show you exactly how to make TONS of Gold!

Learn the secrets to getting all the Motes and Primals you
could ever want.

This is a digital e-book and is available for download
right away.

This guide is copyrighted.

Receive free newsletters on World of Warcraft information,
gold making tips, guides, and MORE!

Exclusive access to a Member's Area that contains all
guides for immediate download along with the latest news
and updates.


Anonymous said...
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Freemoney said...

If you want to save your money then buy the gold it is the very good source to save yuor money.